Degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees conversion and vice versa.

This online calculator converts the value of an angle given in the degrees-minutes-seconds to degrees, expressed in decimal fraction and back from decimal fraction to degrees-minutes-seconds.

We created a calculator that converts angle values given in decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds.
As a default angle, we are using the current angle of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (3.97°).

PLANETCALC, Decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds conversion

Decimal degrees to degrees-minutes-seconds conversion

Degrees given as decimal fraction
Degrees, minutes, seconds

The following calculator performs the opposite operation, i.e., from degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees:

PLANETCALC, Conversion of degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees

Conversion of degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees

Value in degrees-minutes-seconds
Digits after the decimal point: 2
Fractional value

The next calculator is made for a batch degree conversion from one state to another. You can set degree value as a decimal fraction or as degrees-minutes-seconds separated with spaces in every large input box line.

PLANETCALC, Batch conversion of Decimal Degrees to Degrees-Minutes-Seconds and vice versa.

Batch conversion of Decimal Degrees to Degrees-Minutes-Seconds and vice versa.

Here you can set the angle in decimal degrees or degrees-minutes-seconds separated with spaces.
Digits after the decimal point: 2
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PLANETCALC, Degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees conversion and vice versa.
