Unused leave compensation at dismissal

Calculates the payment of compensation for unused leave, envisaged by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation to the dismissal of an employee.

Unused leave compensation at dismissal calculation consists of 2 parts. The first thing you want is to determine the average daily wage of an employee using a calculator Average wage сalculation (for Russia), then determine the number of days to be paid and the final sum using this calculator:

PLANETCALC, Unused leave compensation at dismissal

Unused leave compensation at dismissal

Date of an employee dismissal is considered to be the last day of work. It must be a working day
The number of leave days for the whole period of work.
Number of days missed without good reason, leave at his own expense in the amount of more than 7 days per year.
Digits after the decimal point: 3
Years, months, days worked
Years, months, days worked(rounded up in accordance with the law)
Sum of compensation
Prescribed number of leave days for the whole period
Number of payable days

It's funny that a document that still governs the calculation of compensation was approved in the Soviet Union about 80 years ago (Terms of ordinary and additional leave, approved by the People's Commissariat of Labour of the USSR 30.04.30 № 169). Such words as Party and Komsomol organizations, Rabfak, and other attributes of happy Soviet life could be found in this document. For 80 years, the document has acquired letters and additions of responsible departments to study that I could not bring myself to. Instead, I found a wonderful article, which explains how to calculate an employee severance package in detail and with examples. The quintessence of this article is expressed in our calculator. Those wishing to understand the theoretical basis, I refer to the regulations and the original article Unused leave compensation at dismissal.

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