Inverse trigonometric functions

This calculator determines values of inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccotangent, arcsecant, arccosecant) and outputs it with different measurement units (degrees, radians, minutes, etc)

Inverse trigonometric functions, or arc functions or cyclometric functions, determine angle given the value of its corresponding trigonometric function.

There are six functions:
arcsin - y = arcsine x, inverse of x = sine y
arccos - y = arccosine x, inverse of x = cosine y
arctg - y = arctangent x, inverse of x = tangent y
arcсtg - y = arccotangent x, inverse of x = cotangent y
arcsec - y = arcsecant x, inverse of x = secant y
arccosec - y = arccosecant x, inverse of x = cosecant y

The calculator below outputs values of inverse trigonometric functions.
If the inverse trigonometric function is not defined for the given input value, it will be missing in the output table. Note that functions arcsec and arccosec are not defined for range (-1,1), and functions arcsin and arccos are not defined for anything except range [-1,1].

PLANETCALC, Inverse trigonometric functions

Inverse trigonometric functions

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