Pounds to kilograms conversion and vice versa

This online calculator can be used for conversion of kilograms to pounds, ounces and grains as they are used in USA or UK.

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Maxim Tolstov



Criado: 2015-07-27 14:58:02, Ultima atualização: 2021-03-20 05:33:36

Pound - the unit of measurement of mass and weight adopted in Britain, the United States, and other countries of the Commonwealth of Nations(the British Commonwealth). The word pound comes from the Latin (pondus - means weight). Acronym lb used to refer to the pound also comes from the Latin word libra (in translation - scales), which refers to a measure of weight similar to a pound in ancient Rome.

This calculator helps to convert the units of measurement from pounds to kilograms and vice versa.

PLANETCALC, Kilogramms to pounds

Kilogramms to pounds

Weight in American units
Weight in Imperial units
Weight in Troy units

Pound, used nowadays in the UK and the USA equals 453.59237 grams, can be divided into 16 ounces (oz) or 7000 grains (gr). There is another unit of measurement between grain and ounce used in the USA - dram (dr). The 16 drams in the one ounce. Dram is not used in the UK.
It's common for the UK to weight a person in stones (st) and pounds. One stone equals 14 pounds. There is also a unit that is twice much of a stone - quarter (qtr), equal to 28 pounds. Stone and quarter are not used in the USA.
112 pounds equal to the British hundredweight (cwt), and it's equal to 100 pounds in the US.

Ton (t) equals 2240 pounds in the UK and 2000 pounds in the US. To distinguish the British hundredweight and ton from American, they are called long (long ton, long hundredweight), and the American analogs are called short (short ton, short hundredweight).

Troy System is used to measure the weight of precious metals. The weight of the Troy ounce (ozt) is 31.1034768 grams. There are 20 pennyweights or troy drams (dwt) or 480 grains per troy ounce. Troy pound (lbt) equals 12 troy ounces.

For the reverse conversion, you can use the following calculators:

PLANETCALC, Convert US units of weight to metric

Convert US units of weight to metric

Digits after the decimal point: 8
Weight in kilogramms

PLANETCALC, Imperial to metric weight conversions

Imperial to metric weight conversions

Digits after the decimal point: 8
Weight in kilogramms

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PLANETCALC, Pounds to kilograms conversion and vice versa
