Cuba World Development Indicators 2016 - in memory of Fidel Castro

This calculator provides access to 752 world development indicators for Cuba imported from World Bank data at 2016. In memory of Fidel Castro.

This calculator provides access to 752 world development indicators for Cuba imported from The World Bank data. It was created in memory of Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (13.08.1926 - 25.11.2016). Hasta siempre, Fidel

Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro

PLANETCALC, Cuba World Development Indicators 2016

Cuba World Development Indicators 2016


Items per page:

Digits after the decimal point: 2
Indicator data
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Fidel Castro
Fidel Castro

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PLANETCALC, Cuba World Development Indicators 2016 - in memory of Fidel Castro
