Distance between two cities

This online calculator measures the distance between two cities using latitude and longitude.

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Maxim Tolstov

Criado: 2015-07-30 18:20:44, Ultima atualização: 2023-02-05 22:27:31

The calculator on the page can be used to determine the distance between two cities, using their latitude and longitude coordinates stored in a handbook. The user is able to select two cities from a list of options provided in comboboxes. Once the two cities have been chosen, the calculator will use the handbook's data to calculate the distance between them. The result is displayed in kilometers.

This tool can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as planning travel itineraries, calculating shipping distances, or determining the proximity of two locations for business or personal reasons. The cities' geographical coordinates are stored in this handbook. Registered users can add their own cities, and within 24 hours, these cities appear in the calculator.

PLANETCALC, Distance between two cities

Distance between two cities

Digits after the decimal point: 3

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PLANETCALC, Distance between two cities
