Personal taxes for real estate sale in Russia

Calculates personal tax amount required to pay to Russian budget when selling personal real estate.

PLANETCALC, Personal taxes for real estate sale in Russia

Personal taxes for real estate sale in Russia

Amount (in rubles) for which you are selling an apartment (documented)
Years number of property ownership
Year of purchasing the real estate
Documented expenses for the purchase or repair of apartment being sold
What part of the apartment is in your property (as a percentage).
If the expenses are common, then their amount in tax accounting is reduced in proportion to the share of ownership.
Cadastral value on January 1st of the sell year.
How the real estate was purchased
The tax resident is a person, who lived in Russian Federation at least 183 days during fiscal year.
Tax base
Tax amount
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PLANETCALC, Personal taxes for real estate sale in Russia
