Mod calculator

This online calculator performs modulo operation on integers and on doubles as well (because it just returns remainder of division)

This online calculator performs modulo operations on two given numbers, dividend and divisor. But those numbers should not be positive integers only; they can be, in fact, negative decimals as well (technically, the calculator accepts valid doubles - double-precision 64-bit floating-point numbers). The calculator returns the remainder of the division, called the modulus, according to an implementation in Javascript language. And, by the way, in Javascript, the sign of the modulus depends only on the sign of the dividend, as you can easily check below. Just try to enter a negative divisor, and you will see that the modulus is still positive, but the negative dividend results in a negative modulus.

And by the way, if you want to play with real modular arithmetic, not just mod operation, check out our Modular arithmetic calculator. It supports congruent operations on integers.

PLANETCALC, Mod calculator

Mod calculator

Digits after the decimal point: 2

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PLANETCALC, Mod calculator
