Molarity calculator

This online calculator can calculate the molar concentration of a solute in a solution, or mass of a solute in a solution with a specific molar concentration.

This calculator can solve problems on the molarity or molar concentration of a solute in a solution. First, it can calculate the molar concentration of a solute given a solute chemical formula, the mass of the solute and the volume of the solution. Second, it can calculate the mass of a solute given a solute chemical formula, the volume of the solution and the desired molar concentration of a solute. It you want to reacquaint yourself with the topic, you can find some definitions and formulas below the calculator.

PLANETCALC, Molarity calculator

Molarity calculator

Molar concentration of a solute, M
Mass of the solute, g
Digits after the decimal point: 3


Let's recall some definitions:
A solution is a mixture where the ratio of solute to solvent remains the same throughout the solution (a homogeneous mixture or mixture with uniform composition). The solvent is the chemical that is present in the larger amount, and the solute is the chemical that is present in the smaller amount.

Molarity or molar concentration is the number of moles of solute per liter of solution, measured in mol/liter, denoted as M, and calculated as follows:

N - number of moles of solute,
L - liters of solution

The problems on a molarity usually involve the calculation of either the molar concentration of a solute, given the mass of a solute and the volume of a solution, or the mass of a solute for the desired molar concentration given the volume of a solution. In both cases, the tedious part is the conversion of the mass of a solute to moles of the solute or vice versa, because it involves the calculation of the molar mass of a solute. Happily, we can reuse the Molar mass of the substance calculator for this.

Thus, the formula to find the molar concentration from the mass of a solute is:

m_s - mass of the solute,
M_m - molar mass of the solute,
L - liters of the solution,

And the formula to find the mass of a solute from the molar concentration is:


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PLANETCALC, Molarity calculator
