The pet's age in human years

The calculator converts your pet's age into the corresponding human age as a number of years, months and days.

The calculator shows the age of your pet compared to a human age. The calculation is done according to a coefficient for multiplying the real age of your pet. On the Internet I have seen tables where the age of a dog corresponds to a coefficient from 6 to 12, and the age of a cat from 5 to 15. The dependence in these tables is non-linear, the younger the animal - the greater the coefficient. Our calculator has a simplified method of calculation - it simply multiplies the actual age of the pet by the given coefficient. The default is the coefficient of 6.25 suggested by our user for calculating the age of his Yorkshire Terrier.

PLANETCALC, Convert the age of the pet to the human age

Convert the age of the pet to the human age


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 age human pets
PLANETCALC, The pet's age in human years
