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Ton-kilometer. Conversion based on the cost of a kilometer Calculation of a cost of ton-kilometer |
Base 64 encoding and decoding The calculators encode string to base64 string and decode back to original string. Special characters (+/) , generally produced by base64 algorithm, can be replaced by the data provided in additional parameter. |
List Filter Calculator The list filter calculator allows users to apply multiple filters to an initial list of strings. |
Text Filter with Regex This online calculator splits lines of text using a regular expression. |
Lines filter by number This online calculator filters lines of text by removing designated lines or, you can say, leaving only designated lines |
Electricity, Work, and Power This online calculator can help you solve the problems on work done by the current and electric power. It can calculate current, voltage, resistance, work, power and time depending on what variables are known and what are unknown |
Image Flip & Rotate This calculator allows you to perform simple image manipulation tasks online. |
Color to Grayscale Conversion This online calculator converts color image to grayscale image using the luminosity method |
Color image to black and white image This online calculator converts color images to black and white images. Two options are possible: luminosity threshold or Floyd–Steinberg dithering. |
Box filters for image processing This online calculator allows you to process the image with the selected box filter, or use your own box filter. |
Morphological filters This online calculator can process the loaded image using one of the several morphological operators |
Median filter This online calculator applies median filter to an image |
Watercolor Filter This online calculator applies a watercolor effect to an uploaded image by sequentially applying a median filter and a box filter sharpening. |
Inkscape SVG cleaner This online tool remove non-standard elements from SVG files created with the Inkscape program |
Carbon emission calculator This online calculator allows you to calculate carbon emissions from measurements obtained by the static chamber (closed-chamber) method. |
Tab and Line Break Remover The calculator is a simple yet useful tool that helps users remove tab and/or newline symbols from text. |
Count the number of separated values in the list This online calculator counts the number of values in the list, separated by provided separator. |
Count the number of separated values in the list This online calculator counts the number of values in the list, separated by provided separator. |