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Morse Code Converter: Translate and Decode Messages
Our Morse Code Converter is a versatile tool designed to convert text to Morse code and vice versa.
Caesar cipher
Calculator encrypts entered text by using Caesar cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed.
Text Formatter
The calculator is designed to reformat lines of text according to user specifications.
Vigenère cipher
Calculator encrypts entered text by using Vigenère cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed.
The Symbol Frequency Table Calculator
The Symbol Frequency Table Calculator is a tool that takes in a text message and produces a table of the frequencies of each symbol (i.e., character) that appears in the message. The calculator can be customized to ignore spaces and/or case, allowing for a more accurate analysis of the message's symbol frequencies.
Shannon Entropy
This online calculator computes Shannon entropy for a given event probability table and for a given message.
Count the number of words
The calculator counts word number in a given text. It can be used for rough calculation of translation cost. Can be used for word number calculation in software resources.
Hill cipher
This calculator uses Hill cipher to encrypt/decrypt a block of text.
Wordpress plugin
With Planetcalc plugin for Wordpress you can easily insert any planetcalc calculator in your wordpress-based site or blog pages.
Base 64 encoding and decoding
The calculators encode string to base64 string and decode back to original string. Special characters (+/) , generally produced by base64 algorithm, can be replaced by the data provided in additional parameter.
Atbash cipher
This calculator allows you to encrypt and decrypt text with Atbash method
A1Z26 cipher
A1Z26 is very simple direct substitution cypher, where each alphabet letter is replaced by its number in the alphabet.
Text Filter with Regex
This online calculator splits lines of text using a regular expression.
Repeated Word Heatmap
This calculator can help avoid unwanted word repetition in prose. It counts the number of occurrences of each word in the document, both globally, and within the "sliding window" distance before and after each word. It highlights the words which are used frequently near each other.
Repeated Word Heatmap
This calculator can help avoid unwanted word repetition in prose. It counts the number of occurrences of each word in the document, both globally, and within the "sliding window" distance before and after each word. It highlights the words which are used frequently near each other.
Standard Galactic Alphabet decoder
This online calculator can decode message written with standard galactic alphabet symbols
Pangram checker
This online calculator can check if a phrase is a pangram.
Rail fence cipher
This article contains two calculators, first can be used to encode message with the rail fence cipher, second can be used to crack message encoded with the rail fence cipher by brute force. Decoded simply outputs decoded message for different number of "rails".
Isogram checker
This online calculator can check if a word/phrase is an isogram.
PATHFINDER cipher checker
This online calculator decrypts digits encrypted by PATHFINDER type of cipher.
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