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Caesar cipher Calculator encrypts entered text by using Caesar cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed. |
Vigenère cipher Calculator encrypts entered text by using Vigenère cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed. |
Hill cipher This calculator uses Hill cipher to encrypt/decrypt a block of text. |
A1Z26 cipher A1Z26 is very simple direct substitution cypher, where each alphabet letter is replaced by its number in the alphabet. |
Standard Galactic Alphabet decoder This online calculator can decode message written with standard galactic alphabet symbols |
Playfair cipher This online calculator encrypts and decrypts a message given Playfair cipher keyword. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are ignored. |
Gravity Falls Bill's symbol substitution cipher decoder This online calculator can decode messages written with Bill's symbol substitution cipher |
Substitution cipher tool A tool to encrypt/decrypt messages with a simple substitution cipher given as the key. It is also useful for manual cryptanalysis of a substitution cipher - when you have a message written in the English alphabet partially decrypted with an automatic tool and want to tweak the key. |
Automated Vigenère cipher decoder This online calculator provides aid in finding Vigenère cipher key if you can guess part of the encrypted text. It just automates some routine calculations, which you would perform manually otherwise. |
Caesar cipher with numbers This online calculator applies Caesar cipher not only to the letters, but to the numbers as well. Numbers expands the alphabet and are included to the rotations. Other symbols except letters and numbers are not transformed. |
A2Z52 encoder/decoder This online calculator allows users to encode and decode messages using the A2Z52 cipher. |